Ubuntu Cloud Demo Videos
Mobile World Congress 2017
Dell shows how to build an OpenStack Cloud
In this video, Alaa Yousif, Systems Architect and Dell EMC shows how to deploy an OpenStack cloud using MAAS and Autopilot.
NFV Automated Behaviour Oriented Testing
This demo features Rebaca’s Automated Behavior Oriented Testing (ABOT) Cucumber-based framework deployed with either Project Clearwater IMS core or Eurecom’s OpenAirInterface EMS NFV.
Canonical OpenStack on Kontron's Cloud Platform
ARM64 5G EPC Live Demo
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Kontron is showcasing Canonical OpenStack deployment on Kontron's SYMKLOUD MS2900 Cloud Platform. Kontron leveraged Juju and MAAS to deploy OpenStack on SYMKLOUD MS900.
ARM64 EPC running locally on Cavium ThunderX servers and spanning multiple booths in different halls via fiber link. The solution utilizes Cavium’s BBU and RRH with Quortus’ ECX EPC, serving video streams live!
Carrier-grade NFV MANO: combining Juju and Open Baton
Experience the integration of Juju as Generic VNF Manager into the Open Baton NFV framework. Their powerful runtime management features, autoscaling and self-healing, will be demonstrated using Core Network Dynamics carrier-grade IMS and EPC VNFs.